Another Christmas gone, another year gone by, what lies ahead? I’m no prophet nor am I a prognosticator, but we can have a vision of where God
wants us to go in 2014. We can look toward to the future, with dread, or we can look forward in faith, trusting
and believing that God will do great and mighty things in our church if we will
just be obedient to
what He shows us.

1. We need to
focus on people more than programs.
Reaching people and ministering to them is all about relationships. I understand and realize that programs can be used to build
relationships, but when the program becomes more important than the people; when we fret more over the program not going
well than we do the people that are missing, it is doomed for failure and death. Bob Mayfield, who is the Sunday School,
Small Group, and Discipleship specialist for the Baptist General Convention of Oklahoma, made this statement, “You are in
trouble when the people that attend your church’s outreach ministry are more
concerned about lack of participation by church members than their concern for the lost and
unchurched.” This could be said about any program in our
church. We need to get our focus back on
what Jesus called us to, that is, being burdened for people (see Matthew 9:35-38)!
2. We need to focus more on the substance of our worship than on the style of our
worship. Songs and singing that honor Jesus are really what
blesses the heart of God. Jesus said they that
worship the Father must worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23). God’s word doesn’t give us all the details of how His children worshipped
Him, just that they did with songs and hymns and spiritual songs making melody in their heart to the Lord (Ephesians 5:19). We need to do likewise.
3. We need to
focus more on our prayers than on our petitions. Are what
we think of as prayers nothing more than our wish lists (petitions) to
God? Prayer includes petitions, but it
is more than giving God our lists of wants and desires. It is praising, thanking, and having a
personal conversation
with the Creator of the Universe. The
last time I checked having a conservation meant to enter into a two way communication with someone. That is, talking and listening. And when it comes to having a conversation
with God I don’t know
about you, but
speaking for myself I
probably need to do a whole lot more listening than telling. Maybe we need to be more like the publican
who stood and prayed, “Lord, be merciful to me a sinner’, or the apostle Paul
who asked, “Lord, what would you have me to do”.
Let’s get back to what God has called us to be, a
church focused on people, praise, and one
that seeks His face in prayer. He might
just do something
miraculous in us. I’m ready for a few
‘God Moments’ aren’t you?