Thursday, November 21, 2013

What’s the Message of Christmas?

What is the message of Christmas?  Is it gifts and giving, shopping and spending?  Is it love and joy, eating and spending time with family and friends?  Is it Santas and sleighs, trees and garland?  Is it a time of sacrifice and serving others who aren’t as fortunate as us, or is it just another Holiday to be enjoyed?  Is that all it is or is it the outgrowth of something deeper?

To remember what Christmas is really all about we need to go back to the basics for a few minutes and think about how the Christmas came to be in the first place.

(1)   Christmas is about the ultimate gift – a Savior.  God sent His Son to save us from our sin.  Birthed in the heart of God before the world was ever created God the Father planned Christmas.  His best gift for those who needed it the most.  Born of a virgin without a sin nature so that He could redeem us from our sin.
(2)   Christmas is about the greatest love ever shown.  He loved us before we breathed our first breath.  I think the greatest desire in the heart of any person is to be loved.  Not for what they might do or could do, but because of who they are.  Jesus came to lay down His life for us that we might know God’s love for us.  And when our hearts overflow with His love then we can’t help but love and bring joy to those around us.
(3)   Christmas is about enjoying the most blessed fellowship that we can know.  We enjoy the times of food and fellowship with our families and friends during the holiday season, but to be adopted into His family is the ultimate fellowship.  Our fellowship with family and friends here is a temporary thing, but to be a part of His family is a fellowship that will last for all eternity.  And because we are accepted into His fellowship and family we can and should accept others.
(4)   Christmas is about the life giving sacrifice of Jesus.  We are free to celebrate not presents or pageants, parties or programs, but the forgiveness we have in Jesus Christ.  And because of His sacrifice we are free to serve others in whatever way we can to make a difference in their lives.

We need to see the bigger picture of Christmas.  Christmas is not all about us, it’s all about Him!  Let’s celebrate it this year for its true meaning.

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