Back in 1999 Payne Stewart was a professional
golfer who lost his life in a plane crash.
I won’t go into all the details concerning it, but 4 others lost their
lives along with him. One of those who
died was Robert Fraley. Robert was one
of Payne’s agents and had played quarterback for Bear Bryant at the University
of Alabama. Robert, along with Payne,
and maybe some of the others, were Christians.
When reading about Robert and his life, I
discovered that he was a health and fitness advocate. Nothing unusual there, but then I read a
comment that he had made at some time in his past. It was this, “I plan my life each day as if I
am going to live for another fifty years, but I live each day as if it is my
Those words have echoed in my heart from time to
time over the years, and I have never forgotten them. It forces me to ask myself a question and I
ask you to ask it of yourself as we enter 2013.
The question is this, “If this was my last year on earth what would I
Here are some things I think we all could benefit
from as individuals and as a church in 2013.
1. Love people as Christ loves them.
John 3:16 says He loves the world, shouldn’t we?
He loves people as they are that they become what He wants them to be.
We are called to be His Ambassadors.
2. Forgive others as Jesus forgives them.
If He could forgive from the Cross, who are we to hold onto grudges and
3. Help all I can as I may not get another opportunity.
We only get one shot at life, don’t waste it.
4. Look for every window we’re given to tell someone about Jesus.
Our words may be the difference between someone spending an eternity in
Hell or Heaven.
May this be my heart, your heart, and the collective heart of our Churches in 2013, its Christ’s heart, let’s be His people.
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