In Luke chapter 5 verses 1-6 we find the account of Jesus giving
instructions to the disciples on catching fish.
washing their nets when Jesus approaches because they’re finished for the
day. They’ve fished all night and caught nothing. Keep in mind that they are professional
fishermen. This is how they make their
Fishermen in Jesus’ day used big corded nets that were easily seen by the
fish in the daylight hours. The fish
could not see the net
falling down around them at night and were easily trapped. Here it is now daylight and
He wants them to try again.

One, take the time and
prepare. They were cleaning their nets
when He approached. If a net wasn’t kept
clean it would rot in a very short time. Trying to pull in a net
full of fish with a rotten net would surely lead to losing the catch. The analogy for us is that we need to keep our nets
clean too. How’s our prayer life, are we
studying His word daily to make sure our hearts are clean? As the old
preacher said, “we need to be fessed up, prayed up, and charged up to reach
people for Christ”!
Second, we need
to go where the fish are. I haven’t been
on any fishing trips where the fish just jumped in the boat while it was still
in the garage! We have to go where they
are. We can’t just hang out an ‘Everyone Welcome’ sign and expect folks to jump in our church. Last time I checked, fish don’t want to be
caught. As a matter of fact, they will
try and avoid you. Jesus told them where
to throw the net. We need to ask the
Holy Spirit to lead us to where the fish are.
He knows.
Thirdly, a fisherman has to cast his net. Fish just
don’t jump into the
net while it’s in the boat. We’ve got to
throw it out. That may mean passing out
flyers, going door to door inviting, sending mail outs, making phone calls, or giving personal invitations to
those we know. It can mean taking out newspaper ads, running radio spots, or posting flyers at local businesses. Whatever it
takes we’ve got to do it. He told us to! Let’s go fishing!
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