Monday, August 5, 2013

We Need a Royal Birth!

With all the talk of the Royal Birth in the news I couldn’t help but laugh.  All the network coverage, the internet blogging and articles, the twitter world trending about this new addition to the royal family, and the queen making her celebrated visit to see her new great-grandson, it was almost beyond belief for a commoner like me.

I was watching the network news the other night and all the commentators were speculating on such things as:  What will they name the baby, what will the mom’s role be in rearing her child in the royal family, how will Prince William involve himself in the raising of his child?  They were even questioning if he would change any nappies (diapers).  By the way, a dummy is a pacifier in British lingo.  Such relevant questions, I was about to break up laughing!

Now before I offend any of you moms, I want to clarify that having a baby is a big deal.  Any new birth should be celebrated with joy and thanksgiving.  And that brings me to my point.  We need to have some babies at Second Baptist this year!  Now some of you are about to go into panic mode with questions and denials such as:  Not me, I’m too old to have any more kids, or I’m finished with my family, or I don’t want any right now.  Let me explain what I’m talking about.
I’m not talking of literally of having some new flesh and blood babies, though all those are welcome, but of birthing some new Sunday School Classes!

We need to plan on starting two new classes this year and before you can have a baby, we need to get pregnant.  And before that happens, we need some parents.  Translating that into church terminology means we need some Christians willing to step out to teach and lead a new class.  We need some members with a heart to start some new classes in our church.

It is a proven fact that Sunday Schools grow through the start of new classes.  No new classes, no growth, it’s that simple.  Who will be the vessel that God will use to begin a new class.  It could be a class that is birthed from an existing class.  It could be a class that just begins by inviting those in our church who don’t currently attend any class.  It could be what we call a ‘paper class’; that is someone who just takes a list of prospects and begins praying and inviting.  There are all kinds of possibilities, but it takes someone who will allow God to use them to birth a class.  It takes all of us supporting, encouraging, helping, praying, and just doing what God has called us to do.

When a announcement is made of an impending birth our ladies immediately begin to plan a ‘Baby Shower’.  Maybe we need to start planning for the new births now.  We need another forty to fifty year old class.  We need another thirty to forty class.  Maybe God wants a class that I’m not even thinking of right now.  What will it be?  Will you be a parent?

I’m praying for some new babies.  Let’s get ready to celebrate their births!

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