Tuesday, March 24, 2020

What is God up to?

We saw yesterday that God is working all things together for good to them who love God and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). So what is He doing? How do we find our place in this eternal drama? Keep these things in mind as we seek to answer those questions.

Here are some answers to ponder.

One, He is working for our good. Two, He is moving within our trials to reveal Himself through our circumstances. People really want to know there is a God in Heaven and that He does love them. Three, He is making Himself known through the love and compassion of His people. Jesus does love everyone and wants them to know His love, mercy, and forgiveness. He wants us to tell them and show them through His truth and our actions.

Here are a few windows to look through in the days ahead.

1. Look for the anxious among us. You may be the comforting friend they need. Let them know Jesus loves them.

2. Look for those who need a helping hand. They may need some groceries, or an errand ran. Our elderly were brought up not to ask for help. Ask them what you can do to help. Maybe take a meal to them. Leave it on the doorstep and let them know it’s there.

3. Make some phone calls and check on our neighbors. We who are believers have our church family to connect with. They may not have anyone. Let them know they’re not alone. Most of all let them know Jesus has not forsaken them.

4. Ask someone if you can pray for them. You never know what pain and fear they are hiding in their hearts. Be willing to draw back the curtain over our own hearts that they might see we are all in this together.

Share with me and others what God is doing in and around you. I can’t wait to hear of His marvelous love!

In Him,

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