There’s a verse in the Psalms that speaks to this day in
which we live. It’s Psalm 46:1 says "God is our refuge and strength, a very
present help in trouble." The Psalmist proclaims that God is our shelter,
our strength, our help in times like these. He is the one that we should look
to not just in these difficult days, but really every day of our lives.

Carolyn and I were caught out in a storm at Cherokee Park a
few years ago. It came on us so fast that the only shelter we had was to hug a
post on one of the small pavilions. We didn’t have time to get to the car, so
we weathered the storm with both of us clinging to a post as the wind and rain
slammed against us. The lightning and the thunder were deafening. Can I tell
you I was praying? Fervently, unashamedly to my God and Savior! It didn’t last
long, but it seemed like an eternity. Soon the flashes of lightning stopped and with it the rain and wind. We
were soaked, cold, and in some ways trembling inwardly, if not outwardly when
it was over. God watched over us and brought us through it. We did have to go
through the wind, the rain, and hold on tightly to the post as the lightning flashed
and thunder rumbled around us though.
We’re going through some tough times right now. A pandemic
that is affecting every area of our lives is upon us. Its winds are blowing through
our society right now. Its cold rain is beating upon every aspect of our lives.
It’s flashes of lightning comes with every new announcement from our government,
employers, and schools. Let's cling to our hope in God as the Psalmist did. Pray,
cast all your care on Him. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all
your care upon him; for he careth for you.” He will bring us through. Why?
Because He is faithful. Trust Him today.
In Him,
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