Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What does Living a Revived Life Look Like?

We have just finished a series of Revival Meetings in our church.  As I write this I do not know how our Revival concluded or all that God did in our hearts, but I do know what Revival should look like.  If you follow the birth of the church in the Book of Acts, and other instances of God reviving and refreshing His people you will see several common denominators.  One, revival always begins with God’s people being broken over their sin.  Then there is abundant joy is His people when they realize and understand that God can and will forgive their sin.  The third thing they experience is a oneness with each other.  They are in one accord as a family of believers.  The last thing that marks true, heartfelt revival is a boldness to go and declare His salvation to all those around them.  The end result of all this is that Jesus is honored and others come to know His grace and love.
Have we experienced true revival?  I hope so, I pray so.  Life is too short to waste on frivolous things.  There are too many lives being spent on things that have no eternal significance.  I want to share a true story I read a few years ago from the book ‘Crazy Love’ by Francis Chan.  Francis is the narrator of the story.  Read his words and let them sink in.
Brooke Bronkowski was a beautiful fourteen-year old girl who was in love with Jesus.  When she was in junior high, she started a Bible study on her campus.  She spent her babysitting money on Bibles so she could give them out to her unsaved friends.  Youth pastors who heard about this brought her boxes of Bibles to give away.
Brooke wrote the following essay when she was about twelve; it will give you an idea of the kind of girl she was.

I'll live my lift to the fullest. I'll be happy. I'll brighten up. 1 will be more joyful than 1 have ever been. 1 will be kind to oth­ers. 1 will loosen up. 1 will tell others about Christ. 1 will go on adventures and change the world. 1 will be bold and not change who 1 really am. 1 will have no troubles but instead help others with their troubles.
You see, I'll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age. Oh, I'll have moments, good and bad, but 1 will wipe away the bad and only remember the good. In fact that's all 1 will remember, just good moments, nothing in between, just living my life to the fullest. I'll be one of those people who go somewhere with a mission, an awesome plan, a world-changing plan, and nothing will hold me back. I'll set an example for others, 1 will pray for direction.
1 have my life before me. 1 will give others the joy 1 have and God will give me more joy. 1 will do everything God tells me to do. 1 will follow the footsteps of God. 1 will do my best!!!

During her freshman year in high school, Brooke was in a car acci­dent while driving to the movies. Her life on earth ended when she was just fourteen, but her impact didn't. Nearly fifteen hundred people attended Brooke's memorial service. People from her public high school read poems she had written about her love for God. Everyone spoke of her example and her joy.
I shared the gospel and invited those who wanted to know Jesus to come up and give their lives to Him. There must have been at least two hundred students on their knees at the front of the church praying for salvation. Ushers gave a Bible to each of them. They were Bibles that Brooke had kept in her garage, hoping to give out to all of her unsaved friends. In one day, Brooke led more people to the Lord than most ever will.
In her brief fourteen years on earth, Brooke was faithful to Christ.  Her short life was not wasted. The words from her essay seem prophetic: “You see, I'll be one of those people who live to be history makers at a young age.”

That’s what a revived life looks like.  I pray we all have one.

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