Saturday, June 29, 2013

Who’s That Calling Now?

When the phone rings what is our response?  Answer it or check to see who is calling?  Do we look at the caller ID or just wait and see if they leave a message.  After all, if it’s an important call they will leave a voice mail, won’t they?  Maybe we get someone to ‘get it’ for us so we can screen the unwanted caller and have our ‘go between’ to tell them we’re not available right now.  We’re so busy you know.

And we always want to know (before we answer) what the call is about.  What do they want?  What do they want from me?  Is it a telemarketer or solicitor?  Does someone need a favor from me?  Do they have information they want me to know?  I’m continually amazed that our younger generations will ignore a phone call, but will answer a text in a heartbeat!  You figure that one out!  But what if it was Jesus calling?  Would we answer?  Would we want to know the nature of His call before we spoke with Him?

Did you know that Jesus is calling!  He’s calling men and women to trust in Him and be saved!  He’s calling every Christian to make Disciples (Matthew 28:19-20).  He’s calling His children to share His good news of Salvation.  He’s calling them to teach and train others to follow Him.  He’s calling us to encourage and challenge other believers to follow Him with our whole heart.

Which brings me to the question will we/you answer the call?  Will you and I follow His instructions for daily living?  Will we/you share with our neighbors the greatest story ever told?  Will we/you step forward to teach and train others?  Will you and I encourage and challenge others to answer His call with their whole heart?

Are you involved in our ‘Go Outreach’ on Wednesday nights?  Why not if you’re a Christian?  See Randy Whitley and he will tell you all you need to know to answer that call.  Will you start and teach a new Sunday School Class?  See me or Gaylen Baugh and we can find a place for you to teach.  Are you helping with Children’s Ministry in our Church?  See Konnie Smith, she would love to see you using your talents and gifts to impact the lives of our little ones.  Opportunities abound to all who will answer His call to make Disciples.

The phone is ringing and the Bible says it’s Jesus!  Will you and I answer it?