Friday, October 5, 2012

It's a New Year!

We typically think of January as the start of a new year and in many ways it is. But if you think about it September is really a month of new beginnings in a lot of ways.  It’s the new school year, maybe a new school, or school for the very first time, a new church year, new ministries begin.  It’s an opportunity for growth, to meet new friends, to start afresh.
With our new church year come many opportunities for a fresh start and to change our world for Christ.  We have graduation day on September 2 for those moving into a new class.  We have those assuming new positions to serve as an officer, teacher, or on a committee.  I hope too that we have some classes who are looking to birth new classes in the near future.
With that in mind we are going to be having a Sunday School Revival November 3-7.  One of the major things we will be looking at is the grading of our classes.  I have asked our teachers to determine what age group they want their class to be, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, etc.  Grading is so important to put adults in a class together that are in a common position in life, with common interests, challenges, and needs.  We send our children to school to get an education by grades and then we forget this principle when it comes to churches.  You wouldn’t put a six year old in a class with teenagers nor would you put a teenager in a class of eight year olds, so why do we have someone in their forties with two teenage children in a class with newlyweds?  We will be asking, not forcing, everyone to put themselves in the proper class for their age group and stage of life.  This will also help us to see where we need new classes and where to put guests as they attend our church.
Here are just a few other things on the horizon.  One, we are going to start a New Members Class during the Sunday School hour beginning September 16 and lasting four weeks.  We will be inviting and urging all those who have joined our church in the past year to attend.  We will be asking those contemplating membership to attend.  And for anyone interested in just learning more about out church we would love to see you.  Two, we are going to start a ‘Men of Russellville’ Breakfast every Tuesday morning at the Colonial Inn beginning September 11 at 6:45 am.  We will have a buffet breakfast for $5.99 and then we will have a thirty minute Bible Study.  We will be finished by no later than 7:45.  This is not going to be a Second Baptist outreach, but a ministry for all the men of our community.  What better way to start each Tuesday than for men to gather to fellowship and study His Word.
God wants to do some great things at Second Baptist and in our community this year.  It’s a new year, our question is will we let Him?

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