Faith is the substance of things hoped for (Hebrews
11:1). It is the foundation of our walk with Jesus. We
look forward in faith to an eternal life in Heaven. Faith is the evidence in
our lives that we have a relationship with God. It is truly the evidence of our
salvation. There are three kinds of faith Jesus mentions in the Gospels. One is
found in the following passage. It is what He describes as having no faith. Let’s
look at this one today.

Notice how He characterizes them as not having faith. He’s with them, but they aren’t trusting Him. They question whether
He really cares for them, “carest thou not that we perish”? But He does. The bottom
line is that when we aren’t trusting Him, we begin to think He doesn’t care,
which leads to a life of fear.
The cloud of this Pandemic that we are living under
right now creates enough stress and problems without us creating more. Health
issues, loss of income, how to do schooling at home, childcare, working from
home, and the simple logistics of obtaining what we need daily, while keeping our social distancing, is enough. We don’t
need to add a lack of trust in our Heavenly Father to add to the chaos. The
devil wants us to think Jesus doesn’t care. Jesus cares more than you and I can
ever know. Satan wants to paralyze us with fear. Jesus doesn’t want us to fear.
He asks them, “Why are ye so fearful”? He’s asking ‘why’? He’s implying
that they really don’t have a reason to fear. I haven’t left you. I’m here just
as I have always been.
Let’s take this to heart today. He wants us to trust
Him. He wants to know He cares. He doesn’t want us to be afraid. He can calm
the wind and the waves. Have faith. Believe in Him. Trust in Him. He’s with us in
this Pandemic.
In Him,
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