Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Any Old Rod Will Do!

In the book of Exodus (4:1-5) Moses is arguing with God over God’s instructions (Exodus 3) to lead the children out of Egypt.  He makes all the usual excuses that we use when God calls us to do something for Him.  Moses said, “Who I am” (verse 11), then paraphrased, “who’s telling me to do this?” (verse 13).  It sounds a lot like some of our excuses for not obeying Him.  I can’t do that, I’m just not qualified or able.  I certainly can’t speak very well so how can I accomplish anything for God.  I have no authority to do that either, after all, people will say I just want to be seen by others.  Amazing isn’t it how we can find all sorts of reasons for not doing what Jesus has called us to do.
Notice what God does in reaction to this.  “Moses, what is that you have in your hand?”  Moses says, “A rod.”  It was an ordinary shepherd’s rod, nothing fancy, or extravagant, just a simple wooden rod.  Moses followed God’s instruction to throw down his rod and it became a snake.  He told Moses to pick it back up by the tail and it reverted back to a rod.  God gives Moses this sign that the people may believe (verse 5).  If you follow that rod and Aaron’s rod through the book of Exodus you will find that God used those simple rods to turn water into blood, to bring frogs up into the land of Egypt, to cause lice to invade the land, to bring thunder and hail upon the Egyptians, to cause locusts to swarm and devastate the country.  That rod was lifted up and God divided the waters at the Red Sea.  When Moses raised that rod as the children of Israel were battling Amalek the battle went in their favor.  When it was lowered they lost ground. 
What are the lessons we can learn from all of this?  What does God want us to understand today in our walk with Him?
1.     God took what Moses already possessed to accomplish His will.  Moses already had everything God needed to get the job done.  Do you and I realize that God and already given us everything we need to accomplish His will?  Your personality, your gifts, and talents, are all that Jesus needs to change our world for His glory!  Will we lay down what we have as Moses did and surrender it to Him?
2.     God supernaturally empowered Moses’ rod to do great and mighty things.  God took his ordinary and made it extraordinary.  Would to God we could surrender to God everything we are and all we possess to Him.  He can take what we have and do incredible things.
3.     Moses’ rod was used to bring glory to God.  It was not the rod, but God’s power through the rod that brought the miracles.  God had Moses strike the rock at Horeb (Exodus 17:6) and it brought forth water for them, but at Meribah (Numbers 20:8-13) God commanded Moses to speak to the rock to bring forth water.  Moses disobeyed God and struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it.  God was not hallowed (glorified) because the children of Israel needed to know that it was not the rod and Moses that had the power, but God.  We have to be careful and remember it is not our abilities or gifts that get things done for His Kingdom, but God working through those things for His Glory.

Thinking you can’t do anything for God?  Jesus is saying, “Give me what you have and I will do great and mighty things through you”.  Will we give it all?  Throw it down before Him and watch what He does!

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