Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What’s Really Important?

What’s really important to you and I?  Our possessions?  We certainly don’t want to lose them.  Our health?  We’ve got to have that too if you want to have any quality of life.  How about our family and friends?  It sure would be a lonely world without friends and family and I’m not talking about our cell phone circles either.  So where does our relationship with our Creator fit into our lives?  Did He create us to wind us up like a top and see how we spin, or did He fashion each one of us in His own mind before we ever became a living creature with a plan and purpose for our existence?  So many live their lives discouraged and disillusioned with no hope of things ever changing.  What’s the answer?  Hosea 4:6 says, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” 
This is why Bible Study is so important.  God’s Word has the answers!  God gave us His Word to study and prepare ourselves and our children, for the spiritual battles and conflicts that we face each day.  We need the knowledge, strength, and purpose for our lives that we find when we study His Word.  We need the grace and mercy that Jesus provides to sustain us in our daily duties.  We need His help to love and forgive one another, and to be loved and forgiven. 
August 19, we are going to have a ‘Back to School Day’ for Sunday School.  Our kids and families will be finished with vacations and summer activities.  Many have drifted away from Bible Study due to all the summer outings that we love and enjoy.  It’s time to ‘round up’ everyone and get all of us back to School!  Sunday School that is!  Make the calls, send the cards, take time to visit, text, email, skype, facetime, make contact in whatever way you chose!  Let them know they are important to God’s Kingdom and make sure you are there yourself!

We have adopted a new motto for our church that you have probably already seen.  It’s this, “We are Second, where He is First!”  Is He first in our lives, our families, our church?  God has a plan for this world and you’re a part of it!  His plan is revealed in His Word.  You’re important to Him, so don’t miss out on what He has for you!  He is First!

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