Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Is VBS Really Important?

Why do we take the time, spend the money, wear ourselves completely out, for a week of wild and beautiful kids to have a great time at church?  Is it just about them having a ‘good’ time or is there something more important going on. 

So many parents today have the idea that we should let our children make up their own minds when it comes to religious instruction.  I realize that each person has to come to Jesus personally of their own free will, (John 3:3) but we never use that idea with any other training in their lives.  We don’t let them decide for themselves on whether they should attend school or not.  We know they need an education.  We don’t let them decide whether they will take a bath this week or not do we?  We want our kids to know the value of cleanliness.  And we certainly don’t let them choose on whether they will brush their teeth before bedtime or going to school?  We have learned that if you don’t take care of our teeth you won’t have them long.  If we ignored these simple things we would raise a generation of illiterate, smelly, green toothed kids.  Bubba wouldn’t be too welcome at most places and certainly would have trouble finding a job!

But there are better reasons than that for teaching our children God’s Word and Ways.  Let me give a few to think on as we get ready for VBS this month.

1. It’s Obedient to the Commands of God.  Deuteronomy 6:6-9 tells us to teach our children God’s Word, to live God’s Word before them, and thereby to instill God’s Ways in their hearts.  Ephesians 6:4 says basically the same thing.  We’re not born with a proclivity towards God, on the contrary we are born in sin, with a rebellious nature.  We need to teach our Children His Word, His Will, His Ways.  VBS is a great way to come alongside parents and reinforce His truth.

2. It’s shows Responsibility as an Adult.  We are responsible as adults for the physical and mental wellbeing of our children.  To be faithful in those areas and not to be concerned for their spiritual upbringing is irresponsible.  The future of our nation depends on it (see Judges 2:10-11).

3. It’s Demonstrates God’s Love to our Children.  When you love someone you want God’s very best for them.  God has called us to love those around us, especially our children.  To neglect that which is most needful in their lives is unloving and uncaring. 

VBS is coming.  Let’s remember as we give, share, serve, and love what it’s all about.  I can’t wait to see the look in their eyes!

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