Galatians 5:7 says, “You did run well; who did hinder you that you should not obey the truth?” Could I ask who, what kept us, from being a difference maker in 2011 for God? Tough question. One that needed a little contemplating. One that led me to ask myself some questions. Questions that I think would be good for all of us to ask ourselves from time to time.
Question one was this, “Are there any unhealthy relationships in my life that are hindering my walk with God”. Was there a person or thing that drew me away from my single-minded devotion to Christ? Something that really became an idol that was more important to me that walking with the Lord? Things and people are to be a blessing to us, but when we begin to look for them for our joy and not Jesus it short-circuits our fellowship and true joy in Him. Jesus said, “no man can serve two masters” (Matthew 6:24). Now I know that He uses the example of money, but it sure applies to anything in our lives that try and take His place in our hearts.
Question two was this, “Am I allowing an unbiblical worldview to hinder my walk with God?” Do I see things through the lens of scripture or through the window of my own human reasoning? Romans 12:2 says, ‘And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.’ Our natural minds don’t understand the things of God (1 Corinthians 2:14) so we need to have our minds transformed. That’s why it is so important to read God’s Word and let it teach us His ways. Do I allow the leadership of the Holy Spirit to guide me in my life? Jesus said in John 16:13, ‘But when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth:’ When I try to see the world through my own wisdom and seek the world’s leadership on what to do and how to do it I am really going to be hindering God’s will in my life.
Question three was this, “Am I permitting an unbelieving heart to hinder my walk with God?” Did you know that an unbelieving heart will cloud your vision of what God wants to do in your life? Israel couldn’t see the promised land and the victory that awaited them simply because they didn’t believe God. There is a difference in believing in God and believing God. Oh, they believed in Him, but they couldn’t trust Him to deliver on what He had promised. Are we going to allow unbelief to cloud our vision of Him and what He wants to do? Unbelief will also cripple our desire to serve Him. When we don’t believe He will do what He has said we become afraid. Fear will cripple our walk with God and paralyze our desire to make a difference for Him. Unbelief too will chain God’s Plan for us to the wall of mediocrity. Did you know that you and I can limit God? Don’t believe that? Well, listen to this scripture, Psalms 78:40-41 ‘How often did they provoke him in the wilderness, and grieve him in the desert! Yea, they turned back and tested God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.’ Wow, how painful would it, will it be, to look back one day on our lives and see all that He had planned for us that we missed out on because of our own unbelief? I don’t know about you, but I want to be everything that God has designed me to be.
How about this prayer for each of us for 2012, “Lord, help me to fulfill your calling on my life. Please show me the things that are hindering my relationship and walk with you that I might serve you with my whole heart. Thank you Jesus.”
Now that might just remove some shackles in this coming year!